Women with chemistry

We join the #WomenWithChemistry campaign, an initiative promoted by the Spanish Chemical Industry Business Federation (Feique) to highlight and value the role of women in this field. In this context, we reaffirm the importance of professionalisation in industrial, research and scientific areas, and we are proud to highlight the exceptional performance of the professionals who […]

Packaging competition for CUM students

On 12 December, together with the University Centre of Mérida of the University of Extremadura, we presented a competition to design innovative packaging for one of our products. In this way, students from the second and third year of the Degree in Industrial Design can put their knowledge into practice and use their creativity to […]

Reception of the EU-18 reformulation

We celebrate the official act reception of the execution unit of the EU-18 reformulation, work promoted by Inquiba and the local government of our town, Guareña. The purpose of this execution unit is connecting and integrate on the useful way the urbanization with the infrastructures, communications and current public services, supplement the infrastructures and publics […]

20th Anniversary of the Family Business Association of Extremadura

Last June our CEO, Juan Carmona Béjar, was at the 20th anniversary of the Extremadura Family Business Association. The event gathers more than 100 business families from the region that today set up AEEF, whose work and trajectory provide essential value to Extremadura. AEEF has been celebrating two decades the development, support and strengthening of […]

Appearing in Canal Extremadura TV

We are in expansion and in this way, we tell in Dos de Tarde TV program of Canal Extremadura. Behind each product there is a broad human team making possible its development. Their effort and diary work, with a perfectly defined process and clear objectives, position us like leads of the market. Maintaining this point […]

Professional Training Dual

With de aim of promoting pratical learning inside Professional Training, we began our path in the field of the Professional Training Dual in 2021, hosting in our facilities two people from the Electricity Training Cycle of the Cuatro Caminos Secondary School in Don Benito.  Since then, nine people has participated in several fields of the […]

Family Business in the classroom

Last February, Inquiba closed the month with the students of baccalaureate first course of Colegio San José of Villafranca visit in the context of 2nd edition of Family Business in the classroom, organised for the Extremeña Association Family Business, which we form part. This project brings businesses closer to the educational environment with the aim […]

V Adventure Raid in Guareña

Last Tuesday, 28th february, took place the 5th  Edition of Adventure Raid in Guareña, organised for IES Eugenio Frutos and with Inquiba collaborated once again.  More than 300 participants, coming from Don Bentio, Villanueva de la Serena, Fregenal de la Sierra and Guareña, completed a multidisciplinate activities combination in an extensive orienteering through the locality. […]